Sunday, July 14, 2013

Terrapin Flyer

For April's bout poster, the league needed to vote in a skater from team Onslaught.  The vote nearly unanimously came to Terrapin Flyer, who took her name from a Grateful Dead cover band :)

"If this Dame hits you, you should be grateful you're not dead!"
The pose for Terrapin's drawing was based from one of Steve Jurkovic's amazing bout photographs.  As always, I made some modifications, but the pose was largely left in tact.

Now, it's time for me to make a bit of a confession...

...Normally I do 100% of the artwork myself, and I refuse to use random images pulled from the internet.  HOWEVER, I admittedly copy/pasted part of the drawing from google image search.


Well, sorta.  It was just the Grateful Dead sticker on her helmet. Seriously, when I'm already averaging 10 hours of work on these illustrations, re-drawing an ornate logo seems like a stupid idea.  Sooo, I think that was permissible, no?

You're free to disagree with me, but I'm going to ignore you.  Just sayin'.

Now, here's the bout poster that Terrapin graced!

As you can see, I returned to the same color scheme as the season schedule designs (green tinted images, black & white striped background).  It just looks slightly less cluttered than when I had the colors "reversed." 

While it's not an ideal image for me to use, I particularly like the photo in the bottom right-hand corner.  Normally I wouldn't want to use a photo of a skater if you can't see her face, but the lines created by that beautiful lunge were just too good to pass up.  Seriously.  Gorgeous.  

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